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Stony Brook Energy Company Initiative

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Stony Brook Energy Company Initiative 1

The demanding and debilitating economic downturn is having an uplifting effect on businesses around the nation; some right here on Long Island. Some engineering and manufacturing companies facing long periods of inactivity are retooling their strategies and are now building and installing solar panels in both residential and commercial sectors.

These companies have attracted the interest and support of other companies on Long Island that produces and supplies specific solar power parts. Other hard-pressed companies are spinning their efforts toward constructing and erecting huge windmills that advance and catch wind movements and generate clean energy. Before Robert Moses and his cohorts released the traffic jam to Long Island, you can barely travel this thin remove of land without transferring thousands of acres of potatoes, sugary corn, and other wholesome veggies.

Now, more and more food-crop growers are nourishing a few of their harvests to the changeover toward biofuel creation. While you might not yet be involved in the business of renewable energy, a growing number of Suffolk County companies are involved deeply; such as H2M Wind Turbines; Built Well Solar Corporation; Go Solar Inc., to name a few just. A word of advice to struggling Suffolk County engineering and manufacturing firms: Study the practices of those companies in the county that have already made the move to supporting the proceed to Renewable Energy. Getting involved could bring in some green.

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That’s probably right, RonElFran! He’d have loved it probably. I’ve long considered Lincoln the greatest of American presidents, but I must admit I like nothing you’ve seen prior knew about him being called the Elvis of Presidents. And you know, I think with his sense of humor, Lincoln may benefit from the comparison. Thank you a lot Patty, I’ll share this with Bill and see if he can dig something up!

My two yr old and struggling artwork career is keeping me occupied. If he can’t I’ll. Thank you again, I will be to reread back. Thanks also for redeeming Lincoln for me personally. I realize, as you said, he was damned either real way but still leaned naturally, to maintaining the Republic. Apparently, all the orphan trains left from NY and proceeded westward, usually preventing in the Midwest.

Very interesting, Ben Zoltak! You are on to something important. When some of my UK ancestors arrived in America (in waves from 1600s – 1800s), in the early-to-mid 1800s especially, they apparently hid the fact that they had lived in Ireland, because of prejudice against the Irish. Prejudice can result in murder, therefore I understand if Valentine’s documentation was transformed or misreported to ensure security. Probably kids’ heritages were lost when these were put onto the orphan trains – so most of them from NY beginning in 1854 and continuing for 75 years. How would Lincoln try a wool fedora? Hey, there’s an art project.

Eloquent response Patty, I’ve reread this three times! Liked it every right time. I question if JFK could have given any lands to the Santee Sioux back? Indian relative, Valentine Franckowiak, according to his death certificate (and my father-in-law Bill’s research) they state he was born in Poland. I do know that due to severe prejudice, people often do everything they could to distance themselves from American Indian traditions.

My ancestor was supposed to have come from one of the “orphan trains” specifically from the fantastic Lakes/French Canadian region. PS: I take back what I said about politics and beaver hats. Beavers need their skins and I swim in the Wisconsin river with them therefore I want my friends from the hook.

You need not capture a varmint to make a fedora. Yes, Prez Johnson ruined the drama and fashion style of Inaugurations when he had taken the Oath of Office with an airplane in a wrinkled 1960s suit following the JFK assassination. As for the Native Americans hanged in 1861, I blame Minnesota officials and Lincoln second first. The Dakota War of 1862 was a problem in many ways for Lincoln. No matter what he did in the remedy, he’d have been hated more than he was by factions already.

The Dakota Santee Sioux in Minnesota sold at least 24 million acres of land in 1861 to the Federal Govt and largely were not covered it, although white settlers rushed in. Next, these Sioux were forced off their lands by State officials to tiny reservations along the Minnesota River. Then, their agricultural plants failed that is and federal government Indian brokers held back again food from the Sioux, because under Lincoln, they were not receiving kickbacks any longer.
